Happy Sealcoating

Striping and Symbols


Happy Sealcoating's striping and
parking symbol painting

Happy Sealcoating can take care of your parking lot striping needs. Whether you need a new parking lot striped or after we sealcoat your current lot we can handle the job and have it fall within your budget. We will place all of your parking lines accurately and get the job done correctly by using our experienced crews with over 15 years of experience. Needless to say each line will stand the test of time because we use the highest quality of paint available.

We can comply with all of the requirements of The Americans with Disabilities (ADA) when we stripe and stencil your commercial or industrial lot. Happy Sealcoating can help you avoid fines and city violations while making your handicap spaces look clean, visible and ADA compliant. We can also arrange for a parking lot maintenance program which will keep your lot clearly marked and up to code. Over time the effects of gasoline, water, salt, oil and the elements take their toll. With a regular maintenance program your lot is kept attractive and safe for your clients or patrons. Happy Sealcoating offers full and or maintenance packages.

One of the first things noticed about a business is the condition of its parking lot. Make that first impression by your client or patron a positive one by keeping your lot a safe, clean and compliant parking area.

Some of the striping and painting we offer:

  • Striping